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Friday, November 29, 2013
Her heart
I forgot to add the picture that we got of her heart. The tech said that she didn't think she was supposed to get us a picture of it, but did it anyways. I am grateful for people who do things like this.
In the picture, I pointed out the small ventricle. Around the ventricle, you can see a thick white layer around it. The pediatric cardiologist and surgeon are unsure exactly what that is and if it's going to cause any problems. I see her heart all the time, in the weekly ultrasounds that I have, but it's nice to be able to really look at it.
This is the her heart.
Although half of it is too small, it's still beautiful. This little heart is still working like crazy. We have NTS's (non-stress tests) twice a week. They put a monitor on my belly that tracks her heart rate. In a 20 minute time period, her heart rate needs to go up a certain amount at least 2 times. From the second they hook her up, her heart rate is constantly going up and down. Which is wonderful. The nurses and doctors are always impressed and say that they wouldn't know that there was something wrong with her heart by listening to her. Our sweet girl is already living up to her name. Striving and excelling.
Please keep praying for a miracle. God is so good!
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Big lazy baby!
A typical morning starts around 4:30. I wake up on the dot, like clockwork. Gotta run to the bathroom!! The real problem, though, is the second I move, Amelia starts moving. So I usually try and put it off a little longer, to enjoy the bed without someone kicking my ribs. That only lasts about 30 seconds, because I get pretty close to bursting.
Sunday morning, 4:30 rolls around and I get out of bed and run(wobble) to the bathroom, get back in bed, and snuggle in. When I finally get out of bed around 7, I think "Amelia hasn't moved today" I didn't think about it too much more since it was still early and, somehow, even though I was up early, I still ended up rushing to get ready for church. Rush, rush, rush, and we're at church, worshiping. When we sit down I remembered that I hadn't felt Amelia move yet. This is a big deal, because girlfriend doesn't just slightly move, she throws it down. Kicking, rolling, doing the worm, all that stuff. I drank some cold water, sat back down, poked her, shook her, and felt very slight movements. Not typical of Amelia AT ALL. Usually I am pretty laid back about pregnancy, but this kid is turning me into a worry wart. After church I ate lunch, drank some juice, and laid down. Nothing. I called labor and delivery at the Reedsburg hospital to tell them I was coming in. I didn't ask what their thoughts were on it, I told them I was coming. Right before I left for the hospital, I felt a couple of decent kicks, but not enough to calm my mind. Something could be wrong. This isn't a "wait and see" kind of baby. We get to the hospital and, I am not kidding you, I second the contraction monitor was put on my belly, she was non-stop moving. It's embarrassing. The nurse laughed it off, because she sees this stuff all the time. Of course my blood pressure was high, though! haha Lord, this kid! She has been moving like her normal self ever since. Apparently she wasn't getting enough attention that day...because 2 appointments a week isn't enough for her, let's throw in a scary ER visit as well. Whatever, Amelia. Once she is here, and all healed after surgery, she is GROUNDED!
On to a less dramatic topic. Last week we had the usual NST (Non-stress test), she always passes those with flying colors within the first couple minutes. After that, we had a growth ultrasound. They're looking to make sure the rest of her body is growing on track. Heart defects, a lot of the time, can be caused by genetic abnormalities. You can usually see that by a delay in other body parts. Amelia is growing....quite well. Everything looks normal except for her little heart. Oh and at 36 weeks, she was measuring about 6 pounds 15 oz. No big deal, just a giant baby. Honestly, I am so happy that she is growing to be so big because it sets her ahead. She won't be able to eat when she is born, so having the extra weight will help her out in the long run. ALSO, chubby newborns are just plain cute.
We did find out, though, that she will be transferred from my hospital, Meriter, to American Family Children's Hospital within 6-12 hours after birth instead of 48 hours. Every week the doctors have a conference about current and upcoming patients at their hospital and at every conference they have said that they would much prefer having her at Children's right away. Much safer to transfer a baby who isn't is distress, than rushing a baby who is. While I understand that this is obviously for the best, it still hurts my heart to know that she won't even be in the same building as me after a few hours. I mean, she spent the last 9 months INSIDE of me and then a few hours later, we won't even be on the same block! We have a wonderful nurse who has been taking very good care of us this whole time, who is trying to work it out for me, to move to UW, the hospital that Children's is connected to. This would mean that she would only be away from me for one night at most. I *think* I can handle that.
David and I are getting everything ready for the big day! We're settled into our house and now trying to organize everything before the storm hits. We could use your prayers right now, as we prepare everything.
Things to be praying for:
~Emma. She is going to be so confused through all of this. She handles everything so well, so we're praying that she handles all of this really well, but are completely understanding if she has a hard time. Can you imagine, everything she has ever known is going to change.
~Me. I hurt.all.the.time. I just want to enjoy the last 2 weeks as much as possible.
~Amelia!! There is still hope for a miracle. God is so good and can do ANYTHING! Please pray for a miracle!
Thank you everyone, for your support. We love and appreciate all of you, so much!
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Only 4 weeks to go!
Yesterday marked 35 weeks in my pregnancy. Holy cow, everything hurts! I would love to not wake up in a ton of pain, but I wouldn't give up these last 4 weeks for anything!
Oh yeah, 4 weeks. We have a scheduled c-section on December 11, 2013 at 9:45am!! I have mixed emotions about a repeat c-section. This means that I will never get to have babies any other way. On the other hand, everything is all planned out and I don't have to wonder when she'll be here. We're blessed enough to stay at the Ronald McDonald House in Madison. This means that I won't have to go home after my appointment the day before and then wake up crazy early the next day and make the drive all over again!
We met with the social worker at Meriter who handles things like the Ronald McDonald House, and she put us on the wait list. If there isn't room there, they put you in a hotel room. It's really nice. There are enough volunteers making meals, that there's 3 meals a day, everyday. How awesome! This is going to make the stay in Madison a million times easier, and cheaper for us!
Please keep us in your prayers in these next FOUR weeks as we continue to prepare for her arrival. We have things we need to get, but mostly it's the emotional aspect of it all. I don't think I will ever be ready for this crazy train to get moving, but ready or not, she has to come!!
Thanks, Y'all!
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