Amelia's surgeon said that he wishes all his patients were like her. This makes my heart so happy, because if Amelia was having troubles, I don't think my heart could take it. I am already an emotional mess from seeing her this way, I cannot imagine if she were struggling. I know it's still early in all of this and she could still have complications, but right now she is doing so well.
(He also said "She is actually cute, a lot of the babies aren't that cute, but she is...and I wouldn't say it if I didn't mean it!")
Her chest was finally closed after 4 days. Her surgeon(Dr. A) wanted to make sure all of her swelling went down before closing her. When he closed her up, he said everything went "beautifully". I guess babies are usually a little unstable after the closing, so he has to stick around for a while, but Miss Amelia did just fine. All of her swelling has come down, so now she looks like my baby again. Right now she has 3 chest tubes, pacer wires, and 4 IV's. They just took out her breathing tube. They waited around to make sure that they weren't going to have to put one back in. She started breathing just fine on her own. A huge prayer point would be to pray that I calm the heck down. haha I want everything to happen so fast now. Poor Amelia just had open heart surgery less than a week ago and I am wanting everything to just happen, like yesterday. hah Now that she has had the surgery, and is doing so well, I want everything to just happen. I am so anxious to get to snuggle her, but don't feel comfortable holding her until her chest tubes are out. Those are the worst things to look at. She should get those out within the next couple days. Today they should be trying to give her breast milk. I hope she likes it, I have been pumping around the clock to build up my stash and to help my supply. First, they'll try to feed it to her in a feeding tube through her nose. The hope is that she'll pick up her sucking reflex right where she left off with it. She did a great job at sucking the paci right away, so hopefully she can pick it back up and have no problems eating with a bottle, or nursing.
It hit me yesterday that we'll have to go through this all over again in a few months. Tears, everywhere. I hate that she is going through this now, but I am sick over having to bring her back to go through it again.
Right now we have Emma with us, which is so nice. We love having our bug with us. We missed her so much! We'll get to spend Christmas with her!
Thank you, everyone for your continued prayers. We appreciate it so much!
We serve a big God! Amelia is such a miracle and we're so grateful to God, for her.
Love y'all,
Oh joy. Just found this link on Teresa's fb. Bless you for such an amazing from the heart update. I've been praying and will continue to pray for you all.