It's been 20 days since Amelia's surgery. 20, CAN YOU BELIEVE IT? Part of me feels like it was yesterday, and the other part feels like it's been months and months. It's very weird, time moves so slow when you're sitting in a hospital room all day, everyday, but then you look back it's been almost a month since it all started. The whole reason I started this blog, was to be able to look back on all of this and see how far we've come and to see all that God did in us. God is so good! My newborn underwent the most complicated open heart surgery possible and the doctors are talking discharge just 20 days after. We serve a big God, who is not limited. I am in awe of Him and my strong little heart baby.
Right now we're playing the waiting game. All of the really important stuff looks good. Her saturation levels, her heart rate, and her blood pressure is all great looking. So we're waiting on her to gain weight. She was eating by mouth so well for 2 days and then flipped all of a sudden and isn't taking anything by mouth anymore. Amelia's heart surgeon(Dr. A), who we love, told us that he wants us to go home and the best way to get us there is for her to have the g-tube put in her belly. Amelia needs to gain weight and be bigger for her second surgery(Glenn), she cannot afford days where she isn't eating well. Regular babies can get cold's and or some sort of sickness and not eat well, and they rebound from that well. Amelia cannot get sick, period, and she cannot, not eat. SO the g-tube is an insurance policy, basically. We get all the nutrition in her that she needs, she grows, and gets nice and strong for her second surgery. All the while we'll be seeing a speech therapist who will help Amelia feed well by mouth. She won't have the g-tube for the rest of her life. She will have it at least until her second surgery and based on how well she is eating, then, we'll see.
At first, I wanted to fight it so hard, but it's what is best for her. Bigger, stronger, babies learn things better, and I have no doubt that, just like her awesome recovery from a serious surgery, she will regain the ability to eat by mouth. Girlfriend is a fighter.
Although we get to go home soon, it's not over. We have a billion doctor appointments that we'll have to go to. David and I will have so many things that we'll have to do at home. Our bedroom is going to look very similar to Amelia's hospital room, except we'll have a comfortable place to sleep at night. (: We're going to have multiple machines in our room. It's going to be very strange and tiring at times, but like I said, I cannot wait to look back on this as a distant memory. I cannot wait to see how far we have all come.
David and Emma have gone back home. David started work today and Emma has been floating from family member to family member. I was so worried about her adjusting to everything, but she has been a rockstar with all of this as well. Our children are incredible, I tell ya. My mother and father in law have helped SO much with watching her AND our dog. I don't know if we'll be bringing him home with us when all of this is over with (; All of my in laws have really pitched in and helped us out and we're so grateful to them. We really are so blessed with everyone that we have surrounding us.
Thank you for continuing to pray for our sweet girl.
Things to pray for:
Amelia's upcoming surgery, tomorrow at noon. She is having the g-tube put in. It's very routine, but I still hate my newborn going under a second time. ): Pray that everything goes well and that she heals quickly so that we can go home.
I'm all alone in Madison. So that sucks. Pray that I don't lose my mind! (:
David started work, again. Pray for grace. It's not like he had a months vacation, he barely slept the whole time, too, and now he is waking up at 4 am working hard all day. Plus it's crazy cold outside, and I hate that he has to go out in it.
Love, y'all!
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