Amelia had her cath done Monday. They were looking at her pulmonary arteries, to see if they were wide open. The cath showed them wide open, but the ct scan they did showed an obstruction. It's a big deal, so they wanted to figure out if there was an obstruction or not, so they wanted an MRI.
Poor thing wasn't feeling well at all after her cath. She was in a good amount of pain and was inconsolable. It's hard to see her so "normal" one minute and then so miserable the next. Yesterday, the plan was to send her for her MRI. It was such a hectic morning. She sweated off her pic line dressing at the same time of needing a trach change. The pic line was very important and needed to be taken care of right away. She was ticked. Right after, David and I did her trach change together, she wanted to test my skills a little and then, because our morning wasn't crazy enough, Amelia wanted to throw a breath holding spell in there. She was a beautiful shade of violet. Luckily, she didn't pass out. This kid.
The MRI showed a narrowing of then pulmonary artery. Luckily the narrowing is "in the same neck of the woods" as where Dr. A will be working.
Her cath also showed the shunt, and just how small it is. She has grown quite a bit and that shunt is quite small, and he wouldn't want her to go another week with that shunt, so this is all great timing. The recovery won't be near as bad as the Norwood. She will have bad head aches for a couple weeks because of everything that will be shifted around.
Before she goes for the surgery, they will take her for the bronchoscopy. They're looking at her vocal cords. Can everyone just pray for healthy, moving, fully functional vocals? It would so wonderful to have one of her vocal cords working so that we could go home without the trach.
Prayer requests:
Successful surgery! We hate sending her back into the OR. I am going to be a mess.
Good vocal cords!!
For me not to lose my mind.
Praise God for how well she has done!! Amelia gets her strength from Him!
Love you all,
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