Can you believe it?! We have been home, almost a fourth of the time we were in the hospital!
It's been a crazy month, let me tell you!
Amelia, apparently misses the hospital, because we have had to make a couple of (unplanned) trips back. Her heart rate is too high, her heart rate is too low, blah blah.
She likes attention.
Since being home, we switched her from the formula for chylothorax, back to breast milk! She doesn't spit up anymore! It's wonderful, living life with no puke to clean up, multiple times a day. She is growing on plain ol' breast milk, so it doesn't need to be fortified. Yay! We are also able to do gravity feeds with her now. When she was on that formula, and even the fortified breast milk, she wasn't tolerating being fed too fast. She was hooked up to her feeding pump for an hour and a half. Now her feeds are only a few minutes! Also, wonderful!
We are going to have full time nursing, starting June 2nd. My mother in law has been doing a couple days a week already, but she will be able to back off now that they have another nurse to help! She's an incredible woman, that Maria!
Emma adores her sister! She loves to help and to give kisses. That's made it easy to be home, watching them smile at one another.
Amelia has trach clinic on the 26th of June, where she will be scoped! This is such an important scope. If one of her cords comes back, we can pull the trach! I cannot even begin to tell you how ready I am for it!
Things to pray for:
She continues to grow on breast milk
Her cords get their act together and start moving, so she can be trach free!
David and I are tired! Pray we get some energy! Haha
Thanking God for the strength He has given David and I. I never thought I would be able to get through this!
Thanks, y'all! Love,
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