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Saturday, January 11, 2014

One Month

Amelia is doing well. She is behaving herself while she is still in the critical stages. 2 nights ago she had what nurses thought to be a seizure, but nothing showed up on the EEG. The EEG is constantly hooked up to her head. The doctors have said that it's possible that the seizure happened below where the EEG leads can pick up, but the fact that it has only happened once, and everything else looks good, is promising. Her head ultrasounds are also promising. 

I'm home for the first time in a month. I can't do anything for her, and I need a break. David all but forced me to leave. (: I need to be home for a couple days and recover from everything. I could also use some serious Emma time. 

Amelia was wide awake and moving when I left the hospital . I think this is the hardest part of everything. Seeing her wide awake, she can't move, can't make a noise, but she can feel. She can't let us know she is in pain by crying, we have to wait until her heart rate and blood pressure rise before pain medicine can be given to her. It breaks my heart to see her groggy eyes. I can tell she is confused. I want nothing more than to pick her up and comfort her the way I am SUPPOSED to. I look forward to the day that we get back to "normal". When I can rush over to her when she cries. 

Right now I have to put my trust in God that everything will be okay. It's not always easy, but worth it. 

Prayer requests:
No more seizure scares!!
That she remain comfortable. My biggest fear is that she would be in a ton of pain and nobody can get in under control. 
For my time home to be just what I need. 

Thank you, everyone, for your prayers. 

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